Thursday, 19 March 2015

Horror Proposel

In video we got set a task in which we are to make a 1-2 minutes horror movie trailer. We first went through which type of horror movie it will be. Mine is going to be paranormal in which their is going to be a girl which is a ghost that has haunted the same house since she was dead because it was her family house when she was alive. Then in moves a women in which has just turned twenty and is the first time she is on her own. Then she starts to hear noise where she is sitting reading a book and looks at the window and sees the girl ghost standing there. Then another day she hears the ghost say play with me. The women then runs and tries to get away from the ghost but then all the doors are lock and at the end you just see the girl standing their laughing or with a smirk on her face. 
I have decided to call my horror movie trailer Amelia because that's the actress that is going to play the ghost.

Its going to be set in a under decorated  house in which make it eerie. The lighting is going to be dark and gloomy. 
The ghost girl is going to wear a long white t-shirt and have white face and have blood on her face too and her hair in bunches then she is always going to be cuddling a teddy bear.

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